
Showing posts from January 14, 2018

*समाजाने अाता बदललेच पाहिजे*

*समाजाने अाता बदललेच पाहिजे* ==================== १. डोंगर, जंगल, नदी, चौक, गल्ली, शहर, गांव सगळीकडे मंदिरे पुष्कळ आहेत. नवीन मंदिरं उभारणी बंद करा. वर्गणी देऊ नका. तोच पैसा मुलांच्या शिक्षणावर, कुटुंबाच्या आरोग्यावर, गुंतवणूकीवर खर्च करा. २. दिंड्या, वा-या, सप्ताह यात सहभागी होऊन पापमुक्ती व मोक्षप्राप्तीच्या नादात व्यक्ती आपल्या प्रगतीचे (वेळ-पैसा-श्रम) चक्रच मारून टाकतो. पैसा व बुध्दीचा अपव्यय होतो. कर्मातच देव आहे यावर विश्वास ठेवा. ३. 'माणूस सोबत काहीच घेऊन जात नाही', हे सांगण्यासाठी बुवा २५-५० हजार रुपये घेतो. अशा स्वामी, महाराज, बुवाबाबा यांचा नाद सोडा. शेती, व्यवसाय, विज्ञान, तंत्रज्ञान, आरोग्य, गुंतवणूक यांच्याशी निगडीत विचारवंतांच्या व्याख्यांनांचे आयोजन करा. ४. शेतीतील, कुटुंबातील, गावकुसातील वाद समापोचाराने मिटवा. कोर्ट, कचे-यांचा मार्ग टाळा. ५. कुटुंबातील सदस्यांवर, समविचारी मित्रांवर प्रेम करा. त्यांच्यासाठी वेळ द्या. सुख-दु:खात ते तुमची जास्त काळजी घेतील. ६. शेतीवरच अवलंबून न राहता हळूहळू उद्योग-व्यवसायाकडे वळा आणि एकमेकांना व्यवसायासाठी

Shalom Israel

Read this speech from the Prime Minister of Israel..... Benjamin Netanyahu, with all Glory to God. Mr. Nethanyahu said: Only 70 years ago! The Jews were taken to the slaughter like sheep. 60 years ago! We had no country. No Army. Seven Arab countries declared war on our small Jewish state, just a few hours after its creation! We were only 650 Jews, against the rest of the Arab world! NO IDF (Israel Defense Army). No powerful Air Force, only brave people with nowhere to go. Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Jordan, Egypt, Libya, Saudi Arabia all attacked us at the same time. The country that the United Nations gave us was 65 % desert. The country was out of nowhere! 35 years ago! We fought the three most powerful armies in the middle east, and we swept them... yes... in six days. We fought against various coalitions of Arab countries, which had the modern armies and many Soviet weapons, and we had always beaten them! Today we have: *A country* *An army* *A powerful air forc

Justice Loya case:

Justice Loya case: The family of Justice BH Loya on Sunday said the death of the special CBI judge, who was hearing the Sohrabuddin Sheikh "fake encounter" case, was being politicised and urged all parties to refrain from taking advantage of the situation. Justice Loya’s son, Anuj, said he did not have any doubts about the way his father died three years ago. "I had an emotional turmoil, hence I had suspicions about his death. But now we don't have any doubts about the way h e died," he told reporters at a press conference. Judge Loya had allegedly died of a cardiac arrest in Nagpur on December 1, 2014, when he had gone to attend the wedding of a colleague's daughter. "Earlier my grandfather and aunt had some doubts about his death, which they shared. But now neither of them has any doubts," Anuj said. With tears in his eyes, he also urged NGOs and politicians to stop "harassing" his family. He said the family was pained by t

There is no Reservation for Buddhists in India:

There is no Reservation for Buddhists in India:  Not many people know that there is no Reservation for Buddhists in India. Many people who proclaim to have converted to Buddhism and are mostly followers of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar, continue to write - mostly - Hindu Mahar as their caste, even after conversion - to avail of reservation benefits. Many people in India think that Buddhist people belongs SC or somehow ST (Scheduled Caste/Tribe) categories and in Maharashtra especial ly belongs ‘Mahar’ cast (Well-known caste in Maharashtra) Even many Neo-Buddhist (I would call them Mahar or Uneducated and NOT a Buddhist) think that their religion is Boudh and Caste is Mahar. But this is absolutely FALSE. Reservation Category in India is group of castes based on their social status. Castes were actually belonging Hindu Religion. Buddhism is Religion which has no caste system. Embracing Buddhism or any other religion changes your belief, but not your social status so also your

Welcome to India, Israeli Prime Minister Mr. Benjamin Netanyahu.

Welcome to India, Israeli Prime Minister Mr. Benjamin Netanyahu. Indo- Israel relations are at its best under the Modi Government. Indian government is all set to reciprocate the red carpet welcome extended to Narendra Modi when he visited Israel last year. Other than economics, the Palestine issue is likely to be discussed between Modi and Netanyahu. India has been trying hard to balance its current relationship with Israel with its historical support to the Palestinian caus e. This delicate balancing by New Delhi is very necessary and is in India’s best interest. Any significant change from India’s current stance seems improbable right now. The good thing is that Israel seems to understand India’s position, which is a sign of maturity. This could lead to a healthy and strong relationship between these two major powers in the international system. What Israel means to India would be clearer when Modi and Netanyahu jointly address the inaugural session of the 3rd Annual Ra

10 Question to Hon’ble Judges of SC after Press Conference.

10 Question to Hon’ble Judges of SC after Press Conference.. 1. If you had several grievances against the Honourable Chief Justice of India why didn't you approach the supreme authority, the Honourable President of India instead of calling a press conference? 2. You say every judge is equal and the CJI is only first amongst the equals. Then why are you anguished that the CJI did hand over a few cases to your juniors instead of you? Do you have doubt over the juniors' capabilit y in handling these cases? 3. It is unprecedented that you have objections over the roaster. Would you please tell us why the cases, which were not handed over to you, are so close to your hearts? 4. Why does a judge should bother whether he gets or not to hear a certain/specific case? 5. Do you think that the CJI is incapable in taking decisions on roaster or is he nurturing nepotism? What prompted you to take this extreme step? 6. What will be your future course of action if the CJI conti