There is no Reservation for Buddhists in India:

There is no Reservation for Buddhists in India: 

Not many people know that there is no Reservation for Buddhists in India.
Many people who proclaim to have converted to Buddhism and are mostly followers of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar, continue to write - mostly - Hindu Mahar as their caste, even after conversion - to avail of reservation benefits.
Many people in India think that Buddhist people belongs SC or somehow ST (Scheduled Caste/Tribe) categories and in Maharashtra especially belongs ‘Mahar’ cast (Well-known caste in Maharashtra)
Even many Neo-Buddhist (I would call them Mahar or Uneducated and NOT a Buddhist) think that their religion is Boudh and Caste is Mahar.
But this is absolutely FALSE.
Reservation Category in India is group of castes based on their social status. Castes were actually belonging Hindu Religion.
Buddhism is Religion which has no caste system.
Embracing Buddhism or any other religion changes your belief, but not your social status so also your economic and educational status, therefore your category remains same, if you continue to be Hindu.
In case you converted and write that you are Buddhist, your reservation is gone as with Conversion, your caste is vanished forever for sure.
