

(The views expressed below are partly mine and partly opined by a friend but I endorse them completely).

Have you noticed how all the Islamic countries rally together when it is only Israel related? 

But when Muslims bomb, 

kill and oppress each other it is all fine and merry. Hypocrisy, eh? Always. 

Afghanistan, Yemen are prime examples. Pakistan, Shia bombings, Syria, Iraq, Libya too are examples of inaction from them. 

In Afghanistan's case most see it as a religious group rightly winning. Crazy but a fact.

The Taliban has taken over Afghanistan. 

The main source of funds for the Taliban come from sales of drugs and oil, and ransoms. The rest is funded by Qatar and Saudi Arabia along with ultra rich Muslim businessmen worldwide.

To all those who believe that the Americans created Taliban, they are wrong. 

Qatar and Saudi created, funded and continue to nurture the Taliban for the last 20 years.There is documentary evidence to this fact. 

Thousands of innocent Muslim men, women and children have died in this unjust religious war to convert Afghanistan back to a radical Islamic state. 

In 2021, we have a country in this world where tribals wearing 19th century clothes and 14th century religious attitudes are fighting a war with modern artillery, Internet, apps, hackers, and whatever else. They accept modernism when it comes to using latest scientific discoveries to win a war, but are unwilling to teach science to their kids in schools. This is the duplicity of radical Islam. 

What is even more disconcerting is the role of Muslim leadership worldwide. Not a word. No protests, no criticism, no statements by PMs, Presidents or Monarchs of Islamic countries. 

The Muslim leadership world over, is a mafia that continues to support rapes, murders, attacks on their own innocent people in Islamic countries with stupendous silence. 

But come CAA or Balakot 

in India or a Trump announcing visa ban on select Muslim countries, the Muslim leadership is quick to gang up and support these causes through systematic criticism and global media outrage. 

Take for instance, the recent volatile reactions on Emmanuel Macron over Charlie Hebdo issue the world over. Take Mumbai for example. Where radical Muslims pasted his posters on Mohammed Ali Road for vehicles to run over. Or their outrage over human rights violation of Palestinians.

The New Yorker writes explicitly about the rising Hindu communalism in India 25 times but never a word on radical Islam. 

 Check the hashtags as well on twitter.  Islamic terror cannot be associated with Islam, but Hindu "communalism" can be.

When it comes to the Taliban, it is shocking to see that religion is deliberately scratched out from the debate. Because as per many media outlets run with left-liberal mindsets, such naming and shaming in the name of religion is positioned as "Islamophobia." 

But they are wrong.  Islamophobia takes two forms in the world. One which non-Muslims have against Muslims. And the second is the phobia that educated, moderate Muslims have in openly condemning Radical Islamists and remain silent. Yet, only the former is highlighted, the latter is conveniently sidelined. 

Supporting such sophistry is not helping them. Moderate Muslims the world over need to take charge of their religion and not handover the narrative to the CNNs and Arfa Khannum Sherwanis or Rana Ayyubs or even a Shehla Rashid. 

These women are the biggest enemies of Islam, because they want to keep the fires burning, not douse them.
