5 +3+3+4 school system explained

 Chapter 3

5 +3+3+4 school system explained

As per the new school education system of 5+3+3+4 outlined in NEP 2020, children will spend 5 years in the Foundational stage, 3 years in the Preparatory stage, 3 years in the Middle stage, and 4 years in the Secondary stage.

The division of stages has been made in line with the kind of cognitive development stages that a child goes through early childhood, school years, and secondary stage.

Here is the age-wise breakdown of the different levels of the new school education system:

1. 5 years of Foundational stage:

For ages: 3 to 8

For classes: Anganwadi/pre-school, class 1, class 2

The foundational stage of education as per the national education policy will comprise 3 years or preschool or anganwadi education followed by two years of primary classes (classes 1 and 2).

This stage will focus on teaching in play-based or activity-based methods and on the development of language skills.

2. 3 years of Preparatory stage:

For ages: 8 to 11

For classes: 3 to 5

The focus in the preparatory stage will remain on language development and numeracy skills.

Here, the method of teaching and learning would be play and activity-based, and also include classroom interactions and the element of discovery.

3. 3 years of Middle stage:

For ages: 11 to 14

For classes: 6 to 8

As per NEP 2020, this stage of school education will focus on critical learning objectives, which is a big shift from the rote learning methods used in our education system for years.

This stage will work on experiential learning in the sciences, mathematics, arts, social sciences and humanities.

4. 4 years of Secondary stage:

For ages: 14 to 18

For classes: 9 to 12

This stage will cover two phases classes 9 and 10, and classes 11 and 12.

The main change in these classes is the shift to a multidisciplinary system where students will have access to a variety of subject combinations that they can choose as per their skills and interest areas instead of being strictly divided into Arts, Science and Commerce categories.

This stage will again push for greater critical thinking and flexibility in the thought process.

Looking at age three to eight as a single unit or continuum with a clear focus on building a strong foundational literacy and numeracy skill at the end of that will simplify and mainstream children’s education and development.

As per the new school system, they have completely gone away with the stream system and the students can choose their own subjects and formulate their own course packages.

Inclusion of skill learning like coding is a major initiative to prepare everyone future-ready by acquiring 21st-century skills.

The inclusion of vocational training with internship will provide them real-world exposure and will help them explore their interests.

Another factor that could help students recognise different aspects of themselves -- the transformational shift of assessment from marks-based report card to a holistic evaluation.

Semester based learning at secondary stage will ensure year-long learning rather than last-minute mugging up, while interdisciplinary subject specialisation will help in developing emotional intelligence, critical thinking and problem-solving skills of students.

Calls for better career counselling

Since the new schooling system brings in multidisciplinary education and selecting subjects in the middle stage itself, it calls for better career counselling facilities to help kids make the correct choices.

Need for better infrastructure

With the introduction of new vocations and subject combinations, the school infrastructure would need to be updated.

Thus, the move from 10+2 system to the 5+3+3+4 system gives a lot of opportunities for not tjust the development of students but also highlights which areas schools should focus on to develop themselves.
