Why India & China FaceOff now?

When you read history there is very little reference to Chinese and there minimal if any military conflicts with India and China. Which is why we are unable to view a Chinese as an enemy as they are able to view a Pakistani 

*REASON* - China NEVER had a border with India historically. India's border was mostly with Tibet and to some extent central Asian East Turkestan. 

What you see in Yellow here was 1949 China when Communists took over.
They drove away socialists to Taiwan. Gobbled Tibet, Xinjiang & more.๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿผ

There are 2 places in China called Heihe & Tengchong. If you draw an imaginary line connecting them, it roughly divides today's China into 2 halves. 

The Eastern half has 94% of China's population! That was historic China.

Most of the Western half was acquired with land grab.

This map shows how China claims territory in India. 

They claim Aksai Chin, parts of Ladakh, Shaksgam valley, parts of Uttarakhand and entire Arunachal Pradesh. Their approach is simple. 

They test you with token land grab. If you blink, that's it. You will lose everything.

And the problem with Nehru was that he blinked every single time. Tibet invasion, their attack on north east, giving up Aksai chin. He basically was either a naive pacifist or a deliberate indi hater. He let Chinese bully each time

So the post 1949 communist China became muscular towards India

Communist China gobbling the Buddhist Tibet was the biggest tragedy of 20th century. Tibet was India's cultural, religious, historical neighbour for 1000+ years.

More importantly, Tibet is the origin of nine major rivers of Asia. Communists took over water control & strategic control of a key land for domination. ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿผ

Why #IndiaChinaFaceOff now?*

Because China is worried that if India completes all 61 border roads by 2022, it won't be able to bully. India built the highest bridge in Ladakh.

China pushing westward on Pangong lake (beyond finger 6), and encroaching Galwan for this only.

Before Modi they knew that leaders were weak and can be managed by arm twisting. However with Modi arms acquisition, free hand to army policy, border infrastructure accelerated at a pace that got Chinese concerned. And they really need to stop it now else their upper hand will be lost for ever.

Q) What if there is a conventional war in Ladakh between India and China? *

On paper they might have slightly better numbers. But reality is different.

It’ll not be easy for China. 

Indian army has advantages. Supply lines within 200-400 km. China has 1500- 2500 km supply line from *real* China.

Indian air force has advantage. China can't operate fully loaded planes in Tibet.

Q) But is escalating a wise thing for India*


Reason - *China is not a Pakistan *

The Chinese are traditionally not ferocious fighters. They have pretty much lost every single battle historically. In 20th century alone large part of China was conquered by Japs during 1937-1945 period. What actually made China so powerful was their economic might and better technology post 1978.

Unfortunately except for a brief period of Narasimha Rao regime, India has broadly remained socialistic in her approach and polices. While we took the short cut of providing freebies and doling out cash transfers to the poor with minimal focus on economic growth and ease of doing business, the 'communist' China attracted capital, brought in international technology (only with a view to steal and copy) and facilitated businesses. India continued to see businesses as not growth engines but only an easy source of revenue and a low hanging fruit to be plucked in every hour of need. While China became the factory to the world, we devised ingenious ways of taxing our businesses and investors with no qualms taxing businesses even retrospectively. The red tape and corrupt babudom kept harassing new projects and old Indian businesses with the same equanimity.The HNIs of India were seen as 'fair game' to be 'shaken down' a little more whenever needed.

While Indians are one of the best fighters in the world with very high motivation, the Chinese military budget is around 5 times that of ours.Indian military technology/weaponry remained mired in corruption and our factories kept cranking out military hardware which was hardly up to the mark. China meanwhile came very close to threatening even USA with their cutting edge military technology and advances.  

While we must defend every inch of our land with all that we've got,escalating the military scenario as of now may not be in our interest. The focus needs to be on increasing our economic might.
