Victory for efforts of Alert Citizens Forum - Govt issues order of capping Corona treatment rates on May 22, 2020

*Victory for efforts of Alert Citizens Forum - Govt issues order of capping Corona treatment rates*

Government Caps Treatment charges at Pvt. Hospitals!!

*RS. 9000 per day for an ICU bed with ventilator,

*Rs.7500 for an ICU bed without ventilator and

*Rs. 4000 for isolation in a routine ward at any Private Hospital now....

*Medicines to be made available at MRP.

*This order is valid until August 31, 2020.

*You all know how Alert Citizens Forum was following up with the Govt regarding private hospitals looting patients in Corona treatment. We had given live examples and written atleast 4 letters to the Chief Minister/ Health Minister - all were acknowledged.*
*Now after the follow up is this good news.*
*Congratulations to all.*

(I have the 11 page notification, in case anyone is genuinely interested, please DM me)


*Dayanand Nene*
