Have no doubt that:
- the Chinese were camped INSIDE Indian territory.
- They were ready to instigate and attacked to kill. Indian troop were caught napping cos they reposed faith in the fact that Chinese would adhere to their word.
- China has instigated and escalated this in a very coldblooded manner and calculated manner. For that, the action would have to be approved at the highest level. There was nothing accidental about it. They would have sent in special troops who could act in that manner too. This wouldn't be normal border force.
- This would mean that they want India to escalate so that they can teach India a lesson. They need to whup India to distract internal turmoil and show that they are the Big Boss of Asia.
- The onus is now on India to not rush into any trap and yet escalate to punish, if they can.
- We HAVE suffered casualties and a lot. The Govt isn't being open about it.
- It will be safe to estimate that as the Chinese were the instigator, better planned and had laid the ambush, they were better prepared, thus would have suffered lesser casualties. I'd discount the chatter about India having estimates about Chinese casualties. It might be peddled to face save.
- The total loss, in all probability, outstrips Pulwama. ONLY this was done in a more gruesome and bloody manner. By cudgelling. And also firing by Chinese.
- The Chinese are openly taunting us while instigating.
- The silence the Govt maintains is DESPICABLE. It is neither being honest to its populace NOR showing to the world the dastardliness of China. This means only one thing, its primary recourse is to not escalate. If you'd like to judge pusillanimous inaction, the facts are there for you to consider. All you have to ask:
- Why hasn't the Govt been open about the casualties AND the incident?
- Why is it offering circuitous worded messages after 24 hours?
- Why is it not openly calling out China's lies wrt the incident?
The Army can't open up and talk about it cos the Govt has its muzzle on it.
Think about it. We have lost over 20 men (the figures are a lot more). The Nation stays silent. The Govt doesn't even open its mouth.
YES China has hit us when the economy is down!
YES China has hit us when we are reeling from Covid!
YES China has hit us cos it has gotten a measure of the Govt.
Thus the situation is just right to give our backside for the taking? Look at the number of people who are going around offering so many kinds of excuses. None willing to stand up for either the lives lost or for National Pride. Do we have a right to exist as a nation? We are under full-fledged attack and our leaders want to keep things silent, lest someone were to ask them why didn't they act?
The Army still awaits Modi's decision, while the muzzle still remains on them.
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