Make at home Covid medi-kit

Covid Medi kit - be prepared at home:

1. Paracetamol
2. Betadine for mouthwash and gargle
3. Vitamin C and D3 
5. B complex 
6. Vapour+ capsules for steam
7. Oximeter 
8. Oxygen cylinder (for emergency only)
9. Aarogya Setu app 
10.Breathing Exercises 

Covid Three stages:

1. Covid only in nose - recovery  time is half a day. (Steam inhaling), Vitamin C. Usually no fever. Asymptomatic. 
2. Covid in throat - sore throat, recovery time 1 day (hot water gargle, warm water to drink, if temp then paracetamol. Vitamin C, B Complex. If severe than antibiotic. 
3. Covid in lungs - coughing and breathlessness 4 to 5 days. (Vitamin C, B complex, hot water gargle, oximeter, paracetamol, cylinder if severe, lot of liquid required, deep breathing exercise.
4: Stage when to approach hospital:
Monitor the oxygen level. If it goes near 43 (normal 98-100) then you need oxygen cylinder. If available in Society then no hospital else admit.
Take care &  stay safe

