India China Stand-off
How this war will be fought?
1. China will unleash its army and try incursions in Indian Territory.
2. Pakistan will let loose fidayeen to wage a jihad through the porous birders of Kashmir and Rajasthan
3. Indian Army will retaliate and in the retaliation, it is natural to have casualties on both sides.
4. Chinese army will not acknowledge any casualties on their side and there is no way in finding out their casualties in terms of men as well as land, as their media is completely state controlled
5. Pakistan as usual will not own up its casualties and say that they were not their people
6. Indian Government and Army will release their number of casualties and also declare casualties of the other side (China as well as Pakistan)
7. Now the real warfare starts:
a. A portion of Indian media will doubt the Indian government numbers as they are not the same as Chinese and Pakistani numbers
b. The opposition parties will ask for proof of Chinese numbers and also proof of Land won back
c. The Communists will debunk any Indian winnings and will say that they do not believe Indian numbers as these numbers are being declared by BJP ruled government.
d. A large number of NGOs, Media outlets, Web based news channels, covertly financed by the communists and Chinese government will start a candle march claiming that the government unnecessarily forced the army into war with China and Pakistan.
e. These NGOs will garner support from soft Indian drawing room sofa set based social media warriors, who neither understand warfare nor have any qualms about the country and trend #savetheIndiansoldierfromwar or #makepeacenotwar or #wewantpeace or #wewantjobsnotwar or #economyfirstnotwar or #Indiastandsforpeace or #westandwithinnocentsoldiers etc.
f. Remember they will never use words like martyrs, brave soldiers, etc. their words will be innocent soldiers, innocent families, etc.
g. A public opinion will be built up painting Modi, Rajnath Singh and Amit Shah as warmongers and people against peace.
8. This rhetoric will jeopardize India’s position and reduce the chances of getting back Aksaichin as well as POK. Over and above that the rhetoric will DEMOTIVATE OUR BRAVE SOLDIERS and sabotage our Army.
9. The same game was played earlier during Vajpayee Ji's time when we had to release terrorists to get back our citizens from Kandahar.
Hope the present government does not succumb to this warfare on social media and mainstream media and stands resolutely behind the Indian Army.
Forward this message to each and every patriotic Indian, if possible, translate this message in all regional languages and let everybody know about this covert warfare.
#JaiHind #VandeMataram
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