#HelpTheNeedy by Alert Citizens Forum


While announcing the Lockdown, Prime Minister Narendra Modi appealed to all Citizens to help the needy in this hour of need.
The pandemic hit all of us very badly. It was time to support each other.
Problem was with the lockdown. Movement was restricted.
Alert Citizens Forum hit upon the idea of networking with like-minded philanthropist individuals and NGOs.
Appeals were sent out for donations. People were asked to donate food packets, food grains, medicines, water and so on.
No money in cash was taken from anyone.
The same was then routed through the "on field" people from Mandala &  NGOs and distributed to needy people, frontline warriors - the police and the migrants who were leaving for their homes.
2 medical camps were organised in Mumbai for testing people.
No Publicity - only service - was the motto.
And hence no photographs were circulated, no media was invited.
In our own humble way, time and effort, we distributed food and snacks, food grains, water and Arsenicum Album 30 medicine.
We thank all donors and associate individuals and groups for their help and support.
Our effort has been paused for now.

Dayanand Nene
Amit Sawant
Rajan Chandok
Alert Citizens Forum of India.
