Appeal to all Society members to co-operate in tackling Corona Crisis

Dear Society Members ,
As responsible citizens please take the following precautionary steps to control Corona virus
1. Restrictions of outsiders to society, minimize online delivery.
2. Classes & Tuitions to be stopped till 31st-March as per Govt directives.
3. Use Hand sanitizer at the entrance of the society lobby.
4. All maids should use Hand sanitizer before entering houses.
5. Disinfect the society by Cleaning of Lifts frequently.
6. Children must remain indoors.
7. Children should avoid playing in groups .
8. Car doors and house door handles to be sanitized by owner or keep Hand sanitizer inside the car .
9. Support sick, Senior citizens and toddlers, pregnant women by keeping the surroundings clean.
10. Any resident who has come from Foreign tours, should immediately inform the managing committee to take corrective actions.
11. If any friends or relatives are staying with residents then inform the managing committee to take corrective actions.
12. Residents should be vigilant and ensure a Corona free society.
13. People travelling in public transport Like Trains , Buses , Auto rickshaws should use masks and hand sanitizers. Wash your hands every hour and if there are any flu symptoms then take medical advice immediately.
14. Travel only if required for the next two weeks.
15. Any guest visiting your flat who has returned back from any foreign country, please ensure that s/he has completed all government formalities and completed 14 days since s/he entered in our country.
