*Sub: Dynamic pricing by airlines and the woes of consumers (passengers)*


February 17, 2019

Hon. Minister for Civil Aviation, 
Govt of India, 
New Delhi. 

Respected Sir, 

*Sub: Dynamic pricing by airlines and the woes of consumers (passengers)*

We at Alert Citizens Forum, an NGO, highlight issues pertaining to citizens of the country and try to resolve them.

Thru this letter we want to bring to your notice the woes of air travellers due to the dynamic or predatory pricing policy of various airlines.

 Due to this "predatory pricing" by airlines the cost of tickets booked at the last-minute shoots up beyond the means of distraught passengers.

The prevalence of high air fares during festive seasons and last-minute ticket bookings, really hit the travellers very hard.

We are specifically concerned about people who have to make last-minute bookings because of emergencies.

Regarding predatory pricing, the current regulatory mechanism set up by the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) requireds all airlines to allocate a certain number of seats in a set fare basket and publish the same information on their websites.

After that the carriers are free to decide the tariff as long as the fares charged by them do not exceed the established and displayed tariff. There is also an air fare monitoring cell set up by the watchdog to keep a vigil on fares charged on some selected routes randomly.

Alert Citizens Forum wants to suggest certain  ways to deal with predatory or dynamic  pricing.

We can start a consultation process with all stakeholders to find a way out. A mechanism by the regulator can also be put into place or we can use the national carrier Air India to counter the trend.

The Ministry should consider reserving a minimum number of seats, which can be allocated to the passengers in distress or in need to travel for some kind of emergencies.

The Aircraft Rules, 1937, give airlines a free hand in deciding air fares.

We request you to review these rules to match the needs of time and  to look into this vexed problem, our suggestions and design some guidelines to stop this dynamic pricing. 


For Alert Citizens Forum of India, 

Dayanand Nene                                Rajan Chandok
President.                                       Secretary

Dayanand J. Nene
[Political Activist and Analyst]
Bharatiya Janata Party
Consumer Protection Service Council
Alert Citizens Forum of India
