Was Prophet Muhammad the last Kalki Avtaar of Lord Vishnu?

Was Prophet Muhammad the last Kalki Avtaar of Lord Vishnu?
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It is mentioned in Bhagvata Purana Khand 12 Adhyay 2 shlokas 18-20:

“It is in the house of Vishnuyash, the noble soul Brahmana chief of the village called sambhala that Lord Kalki will be incarnated”.

“The Lord of the universe, endowed with eight spiritual powers and excellence was unsurpassed in splendour and glory. Riding on a fleet horse given to him by angels, and with a sword in his hand, the saviour of the world will subdue all the miscreants”.

It is mentioned in Bhagwat Purana Khand 1 Adhyay 3 Shloka 25:

“Then in the twilight of the Kali age, when kings will be as good as robbers, this protector of the world will be born of Vishnuyasa under the name Kalki“. The description of the Kalki Avatar i.e. the final Avatar is given in the verses Kalki Purana chapter 2 verses 4, 5, 7, 11 & 15.


Mother’s name Sumati i.e. Aaminah

The name of his mother will be Sumati (K.P.2: 4 & 11), which means gentle and thoughtful, Prophet Muhammad’s mother’s name was Aaminah, which means peaceful and gentle.


Father’s name Vishnuyash i.e. Abdullah.

His father’s name will be ‘Vishnuyash’ which means ‘worshipper of Vishnu’ i.e. ‘worshipper of God’. Muhammad’s father’s name was Abdullah which means ‘obedient worshipper of Allah i.e. God’.


Born in Sambhala i.e. Makkah

He will be born in a village called ‘Sambhala’ which means house of peace and security. Makkah is known as Darul Aman, which means house of peace and security.


Born in house of Chief Priest.

He will be born in the house of chief of the village Sambhala. Muhammad (pbuh) was born in the house of the chief of the Kaaba.


Born on the 12th day of Madhav i.e. Rabi-ul-Awwal.

It is prophesied that Kalki Avtar will be born on the 12th day of the bright (first) half of the month of Madhav. It is a historical fact Muhammad (pbuh) was born on the 12th day of the bright half of the month of Rabi-ul-Awwal.


He will be the Antim or final Avatar

He has been described as the ‘Antim’ i.e. ‘the last and final’ of all the Avatars. The Qur’an also mentions:

Muhammad is not

The Father of any

Of your men, but (he is)

The Messenger of Allah,

And the seal (the last and final) of the Prophets,

And Allah has full knowledge

Of all things

(Al Qur’an 33:40)

Thus the Qur’an states that Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is the Seal, i.e. last and final Prophet of Allah.


Will receive knowledge on the mountain from the Lord and then go towards North and come back.

Kalki Avatar will go to the mountains and receive knowledge from Parsuram, then go towards the north and come back. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) did go to Jable-Noor i.e. the Mountain of Light, where he received the first Revelation from Archangel Gabriel. Later he went north to Madeenah and later made a victorious return to Makkah.

8. He will have the most graceful personality.

Kalki Avatar will have unparalleled grace. Qur’an mentions in Surah Al-Qalam chapter 68 verse 4:

And thou (standest) on an exalted standard of character.

9. Endowed with eight special qualities

Kalki Avatar will be endowed with eight special qualities. These qualities are wisdom, respectable lineage, self-control, revealed knowledge, valour, measured speech, utmost charity and gratitude. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) had all these eight special qualities.

a) Wisdom – He was very wise. It is no wonder that several people approached him for guidance, even before he claimed to be a prophet.

b) Respectable lineage – He belonged to the noble tribe of Quraysh who were the caretakers of the sacred Kaaba.

c) Self-control – He was the best example of self-control. From history, we learn that his enemies on many occasions tried to instigate him. However, he was always patient and responded wisely.

d) Revealed knowledge – Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) received the last and final revelation of God, which is the Glorious Qur’an through Archangel Gabriel.

e) Valour – Muhammad (pbuh) possessed great physical strength and courage. He took active part in the battles against his enemies and most of such battles were fought in self-defence against aggression by the other party.

f) Measured speech – Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) spoke with emphasis and deliberation that people could not forget what he said. In his intercourse with others he would sit silent among his companions for long time but when he spoke his speech was eloquent and full of meaning and advise.

g) Utmost charity – Muhammad (pbuh) was very charitable and never disappointed anyone who asked for help even in situations when he himself was in financial difficulties. Many poor people lived only on his generosity.

h) Gratefulness – Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was known for his gratefulness He showed immense gratitude to the Ansaars i.e. the helpers from the city of Madeenah.

10. Teacher of the World.

The Kalki Avatar will be the saviour of the world i.e. he will guide and teach the world. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) did not only guide and save the Arabs but the whole humankind. The Qur’an mentions:

We have not sent thee

But as a universal Messenger

To men, giving them

Glad tidings, and warning them

(Against sin), but most men

Understand not.

(Al Qur’an 34:28)


Shiva will present a steed to Kalki avatar.

It is prophesied that Shiva will present an extraordinary steed to the Kalki Avatar. Muhammad (pbuh) received a steed from Almighty God, which was known as ‘Buraq’ and whose speed transcended.

12. He will ride a horse and carry a sword.

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) received a heavenly steed from Almighty God called ‘Buraq’ on which he made his heavenly journey known as ‘Miraaj’ or the ‘Ascension to the heavens’.

Moreover, we also learn from the history of the Prophet that he himself took part in battles, most of which were fought in self-defence, and on many such occasions, he rode a horse and carried a sword in his hand.

13. He will subdue the wicked

It is mentioned that Kalki Avatar will subdue the wicked. It was prophet Muhammad (pbuh) who purified (transformed) bandits and miscreants and established them on the path of truth. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) came at a time, which was known as ‘Yaumul-Jahiliyah’, which means the “age or era of ignorance”. People indulged in various types of vices. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) brought them from darkness to light.

14. He will overpower the Devil with four companions

It is prophesied that Kalki Avatar, with four of his companions, will disarm Kali i.e. the devil. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), with his four most trusted companions, fought against the mischief and the evil of the devil. These four companions were Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman and Ali (may Allah be pleased with them all). These four companions later became the first four Khalifas and spread the religion of Islam. In Islamic parlance these four are referred to as ‘the rightly guided Caliphs’.

15. He will be assisted by angels.

The Kalki Avatar will be assisted by angels in the battlefield. In the battle of Badr, Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was assisted by angels who descended from the heavens. This is also mentioned in the Qur’an in:

Surah Ale- Imran chapter 3 verse 123-125

Surah Al- Anfal chapter 8 verses 8 & 9
