2G scam verdict.

2G scam verdict.

It is the hieght of stupidity by so called learned people to blame Narendra Modi after the 2G scam verdict. This includes Subramaniam Swamy.
The timeline of the 2G scam dates back to 2007 upto 2011 - from issuance of licences to filing of chargesheet. Even the statements of witnesses were recorded in early 2014.
All this during the UPA regime with the CBI functioning under it.
Where does Modi come in picture?
Some extra stupid people are trying to link the timing of the verdict with the Gujarat elections.
In their hatred for Modi these idiots are crossing all limits of sanity and blaming Modi - for what, they also don't know.
These guys have only one agenda - Modi Ko gaali deo - starting from their own constipation to people spitting pan masala on approach roads to their buildings and staircases to local and national issues.
Best is to ignore such idiots and not respond to their posts..
I only hope that now the CBI will file an appeal against the verdict and try seriously to book the culprits.
