Reservations have disabled India.
Reservations are like a crutch. They are additional support given temporarily when one is disabled.
Reservations were introduced to remove the disparity in education and job opportunities amongst different castes so that the deprived are uplifted.
But sadly, that crutch has crippled our nation.
It has disabled a huge section of our population.
It has killed the zeal and spirit amongst those people to perform.
Today, Reservations have become an addiction.
Like a drug addict, craving to have a shot of the drug, we have different classes in India, craving and agitating to declare themselves as 'backward' - so they get reservation.
Reservations were introduced to remove the disparity in education and job opportunities amongst different castes so that the deprived are uplifted.
But sadly, that crutch has crippled our nation.
It has disabled a huge section of our population.
It has killed the zeal and spirit amongst those people to perform.
Today, Reservations have become an addiction.
Like a drug addict, craving to have a shot of the drug, we have different classes in India, craving and agitating to declare themselves as 'backward' - so they get reservation.
People have forgotten that:
While crutches are convenient to walk if you are ill, its long use can make you permanently disabled.
While crutches are convenient to walk if you are ill, its long use can make you permanently disabled.
•You can never become healthy and normal by permanent use of crutches
•You can never walk fast with crutches as a normal man
•You can never run fast with crutches as a normal man
•You can never play good game with crutches as a normal man
•You can never gain respect of others by holding on to the crutches
•You can never gain respect in your own eyes by remaining on crutches
•You can never walk fast with crutches as a normal man
•You can never run fast with crutches as a normal man
•You can never play good game with crutches as a normal man
•You can never gain respect of others by holding on to the crutches
•You can never gain respect in your own eyes by remaining on crutches
This is precisely happening in India as far as reservation is concerned.
The weaker section of the India were given the crutches of reservation for a short period to become better. However, they have now made crutches as an integrated part of their body and now they are refusing to part with it.
They have now lost confidence to walk of their own without crutches.
They have now lost confidence to walk of their own without crutches.
Reservation ,in reality, is hurting unreserved classes much more than the reserved Classes than we assume...
1: Reservation in Jobs
The SC/STs have reservation only in the Government jobs, which are sinking every year. There are hardly 10,000 Class I jobs created by Government of India in a year. Even if we include Group B or C jobs, the numbers would not be more than 1,00,000 as Army has no reservation as of now. Even if we include the state Government jobs and PSU jobs where reservation is applicable, the numbers would not exceed 3,00,000.
2: Reservation in Colleges
The government colleges are offering reservations in all government colleges and universities. They are even forcing the private colleges to provide reservations. This is leading to millions of reserved category people graduating every year on the basis of reservation with lesser merit.
3: Inferiority Complex
There is wide difference between the cut-off between the General category candidates and the reserved one. For example, the cut off of JEE Mains 2016 was as following.
Category Cut Off
General 81
OBC 49 (1/2 of general)
SC 32 (`1/3 rd of general)
ST 27 (1/4 th of general)
When you know that you have entered into any institution on job with much lower performance, you can hardly feel equal to the one who came on merit. You, therefore, need reservation support throughout your life. You then want reservation on promotions to overcome the deficiency. This inferiority complex creates many complications in life as you never feel respected even before your eyes.
4: Mutual Hatred
Reservation has created tremendous hatred among the people of reserved and unreserved class. Politicians totally ignore the view of the General classes as if they are not the affected party. The truth is that it is their rights which had been taken away for the reserved class. Indian Constitution guaranteed all citizens equality which had been taken away from them. The exceptions have become the rule and but for the Supreme Court intervention, reservations would have crossed 90% in India.
This mutual hatred is dividing the society vertically and may prove to be disastrous for the country.
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