Request to exempt GST from Toilet Contracts to Contractors.- Letter to Railway Minister

A7/303, Saket CHSL, Saket Marg, Thane (W) 400601 # 8879528575

July 14, 2017

The Hon. Minister for Railways,
New Delhi.

Respected Sir,

Sub: Request to exempt GST from Toilet Contracts to Contractors.

 As the prevalent confusion over the newly implemented Goods and Services Tax gradually settles down, the people and the states are getting to understand the things better.

Now that pay and use toilets have also been brought under GST, the rail commuters are wary of the same at least at railway stations.

On behalf of the 60 lakhs Railway Commuters of Mumbai, Alert Citizens Forum of India requests you to follow up with the Centre to exempt pay-and-use toilets on railway stations from GST.

Toilets are a basic amenity and should not be charged the 18 per cent GST.

If GST is taken, then the contractors who have been given the tender of the toilets would take it from the commuters at a later stage, once the picture is clearer.

The free urinals will not be applicable for GST but we feel that every station should have a toilet block where the urinal is free as it falls under the basic necessity.

We request you that to provide relief to the rail commuters please take up the issue with the Finance Minister and do needful.


For Alert Citizens Forum of India,

Dayanand Nene                      Prasad Bedekar                      Rajan Chandok
