For a country which has the capacity to
produce three crops in a year, the ceaseless cases of farmer suicides are an
ignominious fact. The statics of the deaths are so high that there is nothing
personal or moving left in them.
For a country which has the capacity to
produce three crops in a year, the ceaseless cases of farmer suicides are an
ignominious fact. The statics of the deaths are so high that there is nothing
personal or moving left in them. The death count of a disaster raises more
sympathy than the suicides of the Indian farmers.
It has become more of a factor to lash the
ruling count of a disaster raises more sympathy than the suicides of the Indian
farmers. It has become more of a factor to lash the ruling party by the
opposition than a warning sign to actually do something..
Problems of Indian agriculture:
1. Agriculture is unorganized activity today
Indian agriculture is largely an
unorganized sector. No systematic institutional and organizational planning is involved
in cultivation, irrigation, harvesting etc. Institutional finances are not
adequately available and minimum purchase price fixed by the government do not
reach the poorest farmer.
2. Most farms are small and economically unfeasible
The ground reality is that majority of
the farmers in India own as little as two acres of land.
Cultivation on such small area is not economically feasible. Such
small farmers have become vulnerable. In many cases, the farmers are
not even the owners of the land, which makes profitable cultivation impossible
because significant portion of the earnings go towards the payment of
lease for the land.
3. Middlemen and economic exploitation of farmers
Exploitation by the middlemen is the reason
put forth for not getting the best price for the produce of the agriculturists.
The government should promote the plan called “Shetkari Athavda Bazaar”
(Farmers Market), where the farmers can directly sell their
products at reasonable price to the consumers..
4. Government program do not reach small farmers
The government has implemented agricultural
debt. waiver and debt. relief scheme in 2008 to benefit over 36 million farmers.
Direct agricultural loan to stressed farmers under so called Kisan
credit Card were also covered under this scheme. However, most of the subsidies
and welfare schemes announced by the Central and State governments do not reach
the poor farmers. On the contrary, only big landlords are benefited
by those schemes.
5. High indebtedness and exorbitant interest rates
The root cause of farmers taking
their lives is the increase in their indebtedness and debt burden. Exorbitant
interest rates have to be declared illegal and the government has to take
strict measures against greedy money lenders. Easy access to institutional
credits have to reach the small and marginal farmers, without cumbersome
6. Real estate mafia
We can see even fertile land best suited
for agricultural purpose being sold to real estate people, who prepare
plots and give attractive advertisements to sell at exorbitant price. There is
need to implement strict measures to prevent land grabbing.
Solutions to the problem:
1. Multiple crops
Cultivation of multi crops such as coconut,
turmeric, pine apple, banana, apple, papaya, ginger will yield profitable
results to the farmers.
2. Special agricultural zone
Just like industrial zone, there is an
urgent need to establish special agricultural zones, where only farming and
agriculture related activity should be allowed.
3. Need to modernize agriculture
By introducing farm techniques which
guarantee a definite success, an increase in youth participation on
agricultural fields is economically possible. This can be attained only
by implementing new technologies. Research efforts should continue for
the production of crops with higher yield potential and better resistance to
pests. Technological advancement in agriculture should be passed down to the
small farmers. Where the existing crops would not do well under drought
and weather conditions, the farmers should be helped to shift to
cultivating crops that would be easy and economical to cultivate..
4. Educate the farmers
Many farmers in India are not
aware of crop rotation. Though education in urban areas has improved a
lot, the government has ignored the same in rural areas in general and in
agriculture sector in particular. This is the reason why
farmers are not adequately aware of the various schemes provided by
the government.
5. Clubbing of small fields may help
Several farmers who own small
piece of land can join together and combine all small fields into one large
chunk. This may help in variety of ways.
6. Need for meaningful crop insurance policies
Crop insurance is must and the claim should
be settled easily under the supervision of the district collectors. Traditional
crop insurance depends on the direct measurement of the damage suffered by a
farmer to determine his/her payout. However, field loss assessment is
often not feasible or expensive, since most of our farmers are small
holders. Index based insurance, on the other hand, responds to defined
parameter. Index based insurance has the advantages that it is transparent and
all the insurers within the defined geographical area are treated
equally. It has low operational and transnational costs, while also
ensuring quick payouts.
7. Need for better water management
Irrigation facilities that are currently
available do not cover the entire cultivable land. Apart from the areas
where perennial rivers flow, most of the agricultural fields do not have
irrigation facility. In most cases, it is not the lack of water but the lack of
proper water management that causes water shortage. Improved modern methods of
rain water harvesting should be developed. Water management can be made more
effective through interstate co-operation on water resources, where surplus
water from perennial rivers can be diverted to the needy areas. Connecting the
rivers throughout the country will solve this problem. Construction of National
Waterways will improve the irrigation facility, which in turn can save
the farmers, if the monsoon would fail..
8. Alternate source of income for farmers
Small farmers should be
encouraged to develop alternative sources of income and the government should
take up the responsibility for providing training to the farmers to
acquire new skills. In drought affected areas, the government should start
alternative employment generation programs to reduce the dependence on
agriculture as the sole source of income. Such programs should be standardized.
Farmers should be enabled to divide their activities into three
parts. One for regular crop production, one for animal husbandry or
fisheries and another for timber production. These activities complement
each other and also alternate sources of income of farmers can be
9. Need for national weather risk management system/disease alert
Facilitating national weather risk
management system that alerts farmers when there is a danger of
extreme weather, would go a long way in reducing losses in agriculture. Value
added services like pest and disease alert applications, in combination with
the weather forecast would equip the farmers to handle and manage
their crops better..
Courtesy : NewsGram
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