Stone pelters should be killed..

Stone pelters should be killed..
*#DidYouKnow* *??*
*All over the world…*
*Stone pelting is bad.*
*Stone pelting with an intent to cause grievous injury is a crime.*
*Stone pelting with an intent to hurt an armed security officer on duty is suicide.*
If you pelt a stone at an *Israeli Soldier* - *_They will identify you - Kill you - identify your house - respectfully request your family members to vacate - fill your empty house with concrete.* _
If you pelt a stone at a uniformed and armed *US Marine* on Duty - *you won’t even live to say sorry to 3 generations of your family members who’d never know how bad the airline food really is - as they might all get listed on the no-fly list for good.*
If you plan to pelt a stone on a Spetsnaz in *Moscow* - hope you have great cooking skills - because just in case you aren’t shot and killed immediately - *you might have to spend the rest of your life being ‘useful’ to the lonely and bored soldiers of the Black Dolphin facility on the Kazak border.*
And in case you plan to pelt a stone at a guard in the *Tiananmen Square* - hope you take your family into confidence, since it is they who would be suffering the most, while you are made to wait in a 4ftx4ftx4ft cell in one of the Chinese Organ Harvesting facilities, awaiting a patient that matches your blood type.
Your government will not just make a profit by selling your organs - they’ll also make your family pay for the operation and the subsequent funeral - after they freeze the bank accounts of your family members of course.
But we *in India* are a little different.📌
*We are the only country in the world which even has a debate on this subject.*
*We are the only country where we can take liberties to denigrate the Chief of the Army and call him names. What a shame !!*😢
*Isn't it time to stand by our gallant Armed forces because, we know in our heart of hearts they are not inhuman , they are not merciless and they have both their heart and mind in place.*
Start this campaign, support the Indian Army.
