A7/303, Saket CHSL, Saket Marg, Thane (W) 400601.
The Hon. Chief Minister,
Government of Maharashtra,
Respected Shri Devendraji,
This letter is to bring to your notice the absolute autocratic and undemocratic behavior of the Municipal Commissioner of Thane during the General Body meeting of Thane Municipal Corporation held on May 20, 2017.
In course of the meeting, the Leader of the Opposition raised a point of order regarding the Municipal Commissioner having got engaged in a scuffle with hawkers during a Clear Hawkers Drive of the TMC last week.
Both - the Commissioner and the Leader of Opposition had a verbal tiff following which the Commissioner threatened the General body that he can stall the administration of the Corporation by stating - if I stay (in the meeting ), the administration stays and if I go, the administration goes...and he walked out of the meeting.
Sir, you have been a Mayor in your political career.
How and whether you would have stomached an insult to you by a Municipal Commissioner speaking and acting the way Mr. Sanjeev Jaiswal did ?
The Commissioner returned to the house after some cajoling, but more farce was to follow.
In a spate of an hour, Shivsena - the ruling party pushed through and sanctioned 392 + 81 last minute proposals without allowing any type of lawful demand for discussion on any subject.
Is this the way Corporations are to function?
Yesterday, BJP and NCP have protested to you against the undemocratic behavior of the Municipal Commissioner and Shivsena.
Sir, there is always talk going around that Mr. Jaiswal is getting away with many of his high-handed ways because of his proximity with you.
In fact, he has never tried to hide or conceal this sentiment.
Sir, being your well wisher, we request you to take cognizance of these happenings and take the appropriate decision you may deem in the matter.
But please let a clear message go across that such high handed behavior by anyone will not be tolerated.
For Alert Citizens Forum of India,
Dayanand Nene (8879528575)
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