From: Dayanand Nene
Sent: 19/04/2016 09:53
Subject: Request to stop VIP visits by helicopters to stop wastage of water in drought hit conditions
President: Alert Citizens Forum of India
April 18, 2016.
The Hon. Chief Minister,
Govt of Maharashtra,
Respected Sir,
I am attaching herewith photographs of the visit of Union Agriculture Minister Shri RadheMohan Singh and State Minister Shri Eknathrao Khadse to Bhiwandi today to attend a agricultural function.
As I too am a BJP and social activist, I had gone there one day earlier.
And what I saw was terribly disturbing. Gallons of water thru Water Tankers was being poured on a huge piece of land, which later I understood was a make shift helipad being put in place for the helicopter to land.
It is estimated that over 10,000 litres of water was used for the same.
Sir, on one hand the govt is trying its best to deal with the drought conditions in the state.
You have taken a landmark decision of supplying water through railway train to Latur.
On the other hand no body pays attention to such colossal waste of water during official visits by VIP's by helicopters.
My request to you is that you may please issue a directive or a code of conduct to all as to not to use helicopters to visit places where there are no proper helipads.
They can go to the nearest place where a helipad is available and then drive down to the site.
In this case in point, the Minister could have flown in to Thane - where there is a proper helipad and driven down to Bhiwandi which is just 20 minutes away - and it would have saved 10,000 litres of water - very important as the entire area is reeling under a 60% water cut.
I am sure that you will pay attention to this request of mine in the larger interest of the state.
Dayanand Nene (8879528575)
Alert Citizens Forum of India
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