Charging mobile at night is a National waste

Charging Mobile at Night is a National Waste.

For those who have habit of keeping mobile for charging at night.
 After 2 hours of charging the mobile is fully charged and for the rest part of night it is connected without any purpose.  As per a recent study approximately 4 watts are consumed during this time. It looks insignificant at personal level. But see the calculation details::
4 watts x 6 hours of additional charging = 24 Watt-hours. Total active mobile users in India are 800 million. Suppose only 10 % people have this habit of night charging (actual % is much more) there are 8 crore indians doing it everyday. 8 crore × 24 Watt hour = 19.2 lakh KWhrs (units) wasted every night for no reason.
 This is 1920 MW power. Govt needs  investment of Rs5 crore to create one MW power generation . So GOI needs investment of approxi Rs10000 crore to cater to this power need.
There could be a  little variation in above figures but it is still huge waste of national resource.
Think ab💡ut it.
Happy Energy week
28 to 31Dec
