#Intolerant India

#Intolerant India
Having endured this debate over the word - Intolerance - असहिष्णुता - for the past so many days I chose to find the dictionary meaning of both the words - in English, Hindi & Marathi.
Here is the Dictionary meaning of the word in English:
Merriam Webster Dictionary:
Intolerant (Adjective):
a) not willing to allow or accept something.
b) not willing to allow some people to have equality, freedom, or other social rights.
Full Definition:
a) unable or willing to endure.
b) unwilling to grant or share social, political or professional rights: (Bigoted).
c) unwilling to grant equal freedom of expression especially in religious matters.
d) exhibiting physiological intolerance.
OXFORD Dictionary:
Intolerance: (noun):
Unwillingness to accept views, beliefs, or behaviour that differs from ones own.
Cambridge Dictionary:
Intolerance: (noun):
the fact of refusing to accept ideas, beliefs, or behaviour that are different from your own.
MACMILLAN Dictionary:
Intolerance: (noun):
Someone's refusal to accept behaviour, beliefs or opinions that are different from their own.
In Hindi -
Asahishnuta - असहिष्णुता:
असहिष्णु होने की अवस्था या भाव
सहिष्णुता: Tolerance - सहनशीलता
In Marathi -
Asahishnuta - असहिष्णुता: (noun) - feminine gender: intolerance -
सहनशीलतेचा अभाव.
Now after having found out what the two words mean I have a few questions to ask.
Is there so much of Intolerance in our Country that people are scared of living here and are thinking of moving to another country?
As the meaning of the word says do people hate each other so much that they cant stand the sight of each other. That they would rip each other apart if they come any closer to each other?
Is there state of complete state of anarchy in our country?
Is the government being tolerant or intolerant towards this debate over intolerance?
I don't think so. The sickularists are creating a bogey of nothing.
