A MUST READOpen letter to Mr. Shahrukh Khan Film Actor Mumbai
Dear Mr. Shah Rukh Khan,Your name is a household phenomenon in Indian and even beyond herborders. Your fame has put you in the Newsweek "most powerful peoplelist" recently. Your social elite of friends stretch world over- Therich & famous. Your pseudo secularist friends in Bollywood living intheir crores worth of ivory towers love you & adore you. However, asyou may recall from your recent experience in New Jersey Airport, reallife is a little different Mr. Khan. - It does not always follow thepath predicted by a scriptwriter or director or even by Mr KaranJohar.More recently Mr Khan, we have been reading about your views, words ofwisdom stemming from your basic degree intellect, and opinions andstatements on matters beyond the Bollywood world. Nothing is wrong MrKhan. We all live in a free, largest democratic country and areentirely entitled to your opinion. But as a common man, also from thesame soil, I hopefully & humbly think that I have the right too toraise a few points that may not conform to your views or to yourpseudo secularist friends in Bollywood.I hope you will give me your hearing, and kindly read out myfollowing. I hope Mrs Gauri KHAN , Mr Karan Johar, Mr Mahesh Bhatt,and all your die hard fans, yes only die hard fans.More recently, when some Pakistani cricket players were not selectedfor the IPL, it was almost predictable that NDTV, the award-winning,mouthpiece of our Indian liberal pseudo secularist media selected youfor your views. Your appeared on the `box' like all your beautifulpeople from Bollywood do and you certified on our national TV that "It(Pakistan) is a great neighbour to have. We (India and Pakistan) aregreat neighbours. They are good neighbours."Mr Khan- May I have a few words to say about your statements.One may recall your effort to clarify the Pakistani team captain,Shoaib Malik's apology to the Muslims, living all over the world, forfailing to win the final T20 match against India, likely much to theembarrassment of a lot of Indian Muslims, as expressed by Shamin Bano,mother of the man of the match, Irfan Pathan. What was moreembarrassing was your effort to try to defend Shoaib in a subsequentinterview and you said quote "I don"t think he meant to segregateMuslims and Christians and Hindus and say this was a match betweenIslam and Hinduism. I don"t think that..."We sincerely doubt whether Shoaib really talked to you personallyabout his thought process at that time of his interview ! You reallydid not have to respond for somebody else Mr. Khan but perhaps youcould not resist the temptation to show your brotherhood andsolidarity to.This reminds us again of our Dr Ambedkar's observation that, "Thebrotherhood of Islam is not the universal brotherhood of man. It isbrotherhood of Muslims for Muslims only."Partition of India was what Pakistan wanted and they got. It waspainful to millions but many more millions in present India have beenspared. Since then Pakistan has offered us only hatred. It has imposedon us three major wars, the Kargil insurgency, the Kashmir conflict,the series of serial blasts in our cities, the routine violation ofborder ceasefires, attacks on the Parliament House and the recentMumbai 26/11 attack killing 168 innocent Indians, yes most of thosekilled are from Indian masses & not from your elite class tucked awayin Bandra. So what would you know Mr Khan of our class suffering atthe hands of our ` good neighbours'.Let me bring a short story. When a jealous westerner asked God why hegave India such great tolerance, enviable culture, huge diversity &thousands of years of history, God replied ` No I did not give themeverything to be happy for ever . I gave them a horrible neighbour forlasting misery and sufference''.Did you have these in mind when you talked about them being good neighbours?In another interview you had tried to explain the concept of IslamicJihad. You said I quote "I think one needs to understand the meaningof jihad .. Ive understood the essence that jihad is not about killingother people; jihad is about killing the badness in you."May be you understand jihad better and deeper than the superficialmeaning of what we, the rest of the small time mortal mankind,overburdened and terrorized by the inter-religious, intra-religiousand sectarian violence that is plaguing the world in the name of onlyIslam today, do. For we, the masses or may be lesser educated, wecannot really make a difference between Jihad and Qatl, between Jihadby heart / soul, Jihad by pen and Jihad by sword or between lesser andgreater jihad. Sorry Mr Khan, Its true.We wonder, whatever its meaning may be, Mr Khan, does it minimize thesignificance of the mindless killings that we see today in the name ofIslam, across borders, all over the world? Does it change the natureof the killers whether you call them holy warriors, mujahidins,fedayeens or plane suicide bombers? Please Mr Khan give us the lessermortals a break from your ever ending explanation of killing asuniversal & not only isalamists do it but everybody else too. Mr Khan,please place your hand on your Koran and then tell us that you reallybelieve this ?We agree with you that terrorism has no religion. But hopefully yourwisdom & intellect will assist to also agree with the people whoperceive that most terrorist in the world today happen to believe inthe scriptures of Islam. They actually believe that they themselvesare the true Islamists.The so called "moderate" Islamist in you, perhaps does not want tocontradict them or may be does not dare to speak out against them. Youhave probably not forgotten the FIR against you for listing ProphetMohamed as one of the most unimpressive personalities in history, thethreats from which you had to skillfully wriggle out. Others who arenot so fortunate as you, famous or flexible are suffering lifetime, asTasleema Nasreen or Salman Rushdie would testify. For blasphemy inIslam Mr Khan is punishable with death, even for a believer. I am sureyou know better than us. The editor of the Danish newspaper is stillhiding from death.Do I have to spell out the fate if it is a non-believer?It is due to the inherent intolerance and exclusivity of Islam itselfdespite your effort to convince us that there is an Islam from Allahand but very unfortunately, there is an Islam from the Mullahs.So why should the majority "non-believers" care to accept them? Whyshould the majority of Indians like to welcome back such disastersagain?Since partition, India has come a long way in progress and developmentto her current status and is projected as an economic superpower incoming decade while Pakistan is now perceived as a failed state on theverge of disintegration.So Mr Khan, please tell me ; What does India have to gain by offeringneighbourly friendship to such a hostile and failed state?India has never been an invader and is not in conflict of any otherMuslim country. None of the wars and conflicts with Pakistan wasinstigated by India. So Mr. Khhhan, please dont give us this shit on Pakistan being a good neighbour and you are pro-relations.Mr Khan, Are you referring to Pakistanis loyal to the ISI and to themilitary who train their soldiers with only one MAIN objective, i.e.to fight Hindu India?If your mind is concerned about the faceless mass of Pakistanis, does... See Moreit also include the dwindling minorities Mr Khan ?Or are you just concerned about the celebrities and the social eliteswho live around you in Bandra or Juhu or Malbar Hill ?It is true Mr. Khan that we belong to the same human species but it ishard to stretch the similarities much further between "us" and "them".We from the same original land of Bharat and we want to keep herintact, but our neighbour wants to break it into thousand pieces. Gotalk to any average man on the streets of Karachi, Islamabad, Quettaor the Pakistan Punjabis. But do not talk to Imran Khan, Wasim Akram,Shoiab Akthar - the rich paki elite class. It has been and the massesof Pakistan are taught in Schools, Madrasas the only one thing- ` Ourenemy is Hindu India'.Our ancestors happen to be the same Yes Mr Khan. We in Indiaacknowledge and adore the heritage but they in Pakistan abhor anddecimate whoever is available in an attempt to wipe out the link.We are culturally the same. We have created the culture over centurieswhat they dream to destroy in a few moments.Ours is a 10,000 year old civilization, theirs is only 62 years oldcountry undoing whole the human civilization.We extend our hands repeatedly to promote friendship and amity; theygive us ISI, Lashkar, Harkat, Kashmir, Kargil and 26/11 in exchange.Do you think that the Indians nationals who died in all the abovewars, the Indian soldiers who lost their lives in cross-borderceasefire violations or the Indian civilians who are killed by the ISItrained Islamic terrorists and their affiliates, in all those serialblasts, all over the country, willfully sacrificed their lives as afriendly neighbourhood gesture?Can you honestly face the families of the victims of ChhatrapatiShivaji Terminus or the martyrs of the Kargil war and try to explainto them that " Bhais, Pakistanis are good neighbours. Let us love eachother."Can you explain why the two gunmen at Cama hospital, during the Mumbaicarnage, asked the man who gave them water, what his religion was, andshot him dead when he said he was a Hindu?If you cannot, then perhaps you understand why the majority of Indiadoes not consider Pakistan as a good neighbour to have. Period.Perhaps you believe that the peaceful religious co-existence that youcreated in your Bandra home (and we appreciate that) can be extendedto the large world outside. As you rightly said, we Indians trust anddo accept everybody but what you did fail to mention was that it isthe Indic tradition, essentially coming out of its pre-Islamic Hinduethos. Islamist culture is most certainly not the source of ` 'AthidiDevo Bhava' meaning Guest / visitors/foreigners is equal to God.If you think otherwise, show us a single Islamic country where thenon-believers enjoy the same equality as the believers. Sincepartition, the Hindus left over in Pakistan and Bangladesh hassuffered terribly. Strictly Islamic countries, like Saudi Arabia, donot allow any other religions to exist. Hindus working in the Gulfcountries are not allowed to practice their religion in public. SaudiArabia insists that India sends only a Muslim ambassador. Hindu Muslimunity by and large has generally been a matter of Hindus trying toplease or accommodate Muslims. One cannot forget when Vajpayee wasextending his hand for peace Musharraf was planning the Kargilinsurgency.Let us remind you, your own statement "I am a Muslim in a countrycalled India .We have never been made to feel this is a Hinducountry."Can you find me a Hindu or Bangla Desh in Pakistan who can reciprocatethat same sentiment?Some years ago, another Mr. Khan, his first name Feroze & he is nomore , from your fraternity and religious band was banned fromentering Pakistan for saying, "India is secular unlike Pakistan".That is the basic difference of the land of "Hindu" India from theIslamic "pure land" of Pakistan.So please Please Mr Khan, do not ask us to love Pakistan. This is thetrue majority Masses sentiment & not your pseudo elite secularist's.And Mr Khan , Please do not lump the people of India and Pakistantogether. We Indians are proud to preserve our separate identity..And Mr Khan , please do not insult the land that gave you your life,name and fame, lots of money by claiming that her worst enemy, whowants to break her into 1000 pieces, is our greatest neighbour.Otherwise Mr Khan, it would be sad if somebody accuses you of puttingyour religion ahead of your country. Or even daring to call you atraitor !Please give this a good thought. Let not MNIK story repeat in reallife Mr Shah Ruk Khan; only for Mrs Gauri Khan to tell you one dayhow much she regrets to have adopted your surname Khhhan... & givingthe same to yr kids.
